
[Vote now!] AtEdible semi-finalist of the GIST Tech-I Competition

We have been selected with our project AtEdible as semi-finalists of the GIST Tech-I Competition 2015, the competition is a U.S. State Department initiative and is implemented by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

The semi-finalists were selected by an expert panel. In this stage of the competition we need your help, because the finalists are selected based on a combination of your votes and the expert panel score.

Reaching the final stage of this competition will allow us to access funds and receive one-on-one mentorship and training that will help us to make AtEdible a reality.

Help us with your vote

To vote, you have to access the portal and login using your Facebook account or an e-mail account.

We recommend you to first login into Facebook and then open the competition link, this way you won’t have to add any other information.

The system allows you to vote once per day, so if you have a free minute, you will be able to vote for AtEdible daily until June 11th.

What is AtEdible?

AtEdible is an online marketplace that will enable a direct interaction between consumers and producers of food.

We want to make this experience as close to a physical marketplace as possible, this is why we will give consumers the opportunity to get to know the producers and farmers, their methods and who they are, emulating the way marketplaces used to work before. In a way, closing the gap between the city and the farm.

Both producers and consumers will benefit from saving money. Producers will be able to know beforehand what to cut, pack and process, lowering the amount of food wasted because nobody buys it. Consumers will have access to a wide variety of products at a lower price, because the number of intermediaries will be reduced, the end price of goods will be much lower than in traditional stores.

Consumers will be able to search between different categories, including specific products, methods of production, certifications, localization, etc. This will allow them to make an informed purchase.

Producers will be able to amplify their consumer pool, they will be able to spread the word about their product to a much wider audience.

Help us make AtEdible a reality!

Remember that you can vote daily for AtEdible until June 11th.

If you want to know anything else, please feel free to e-mail us at


You can also read AtEdible, the team, and discover who we are.

3 Comentarios

  • Thomas Edward King

    Aqui en mi pais de nacimiento, Nueva Zealanda, hay mucha gente que quiere saber mas sobre la comida que se compra y que se come. Vivo en un pais donde la naturaleza es un parte integral de nuestra identidad. Para ser un Kiwi genuino, protegiendo el medio ambiente es super importante. Es sagrado y casi una religion para mi tribu. Tristemente, no logramos hacerlo muy bien. Por esta razon, se desea entender mas sobre la industria agricola para tomar las etapas exactas para hacer las mejores decisiones. La cualidad de la comida necesita ser saludable para no solo yo mismo y mi querida familia y mis amigos pero para la tierra y los animales tambien. Para los rios, los lagos y para los granjeros y los otros chicos trabajadoros que se ganan un sueldo tambien. Para saber que las frutas y las verduras que consumen son totalmente organicas y que la carne y los productos lacteos que usan vienen de granjas donde se tratan bien las criaturas sensitivos y vivos me ponen muy feliz. Que tienen una buena vida mientras estan en el planeta sin dolor y tristeza debe ser un derercho de las criaturas que explotamos para sus todos de sus servicios a la humanidad. Lo que queremos ver es hasta mas mercados y oportunidades para aprender mas de los productos cultivados en nuestra region. Eligiendo cosas cultivado en proximidad a mi barrio y mi ciudad que no llegan desde grandes distancias en avión, barcos o trenes, camiones. Este proyecto vale la atencion del mundo. Es una noticia de importancia para cada ciudadano en nuestra epoca. Una epoca donde las aciones de los seres humanos tienen consecuencias para el planeta que todos compartir. Tiene tanto mi atención y mi respeto. Y cada dia…Un Voto.

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